The mission of DVCS is to provide both direct and indirect services to victims of domestic violence in Cherokee, DeKalb, and Marshall County, Alabama. They provide direct client services that include victim advocacy, case management, counseling, shelter and referrals to area resources; as well as, education to the general public, school systems, local area agencies and civic groups about domestic violence and the impact it has on our community. DVCS provides a coordinated response to domestic violence with law enforcement and the court system.
DVCS offers the following programs:
- Court Advocate
- Community Education
- SAIL Program
- Emergency Shelter (24/7 Crisis Line)
- Outreach Program
They also have a Domestic Violence shelter, Kelley’s Rainbow, where they can house up to 16 women and children. DVCS offers services to help you get back on your feet and to live a life violence free. DVCS assists victims in filling out applications for housing, food stamps, and resources for counseling. Their court advocate can help with filling out Protection from Abuse paperwork and attends PfA court.
Hotline: (256) 891-0019
Office: (256) 891-9864
Toll free: (888) 582-6883